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Reprint of the «Ascona Bau-Buch» (2001)

Reprint of one of the most important books of the 1930ies on the architecture of Ascona (Ticino, Switzerland) and its environments. Design and typography by Max Bill, edited by Eduard Keller. Issued with an illustrated commentary by Bruno Maurer, collaborator at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture at the ETH Zurich, and Christoph Bignens, art historian and specialist on the work of Max Bill. Order »»»

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Geschenke - Ein Totentanz

Geschenke - ein Totentanz [Presents - A Dance of Death]

Woodcuts by Jean-Jacques Volz

26 folded sheets in a portfolio, with 23 woodcuts, 8 of which in black and 1 colour. Sheet size 33 x 56 cm. The woodcuts have been printed by the artist himself on hand-made paper (Vélin BFK Rives white, 250 g/m2), and each is numbered and monogrammed by the artist. Additionally, each cassette is numbered in the imprint, and signed by the artist and the writer. The portfolio is laid in a cassette, which is covered in monochrome paper and has an embossed title.

Edition in 60 numbered copies

1 - 50    50 copies, Arabic numbered

I - X        10 copies, Roman numbered, reserved for the writer, artist         and publisher, not for trade.

Price: CHF 1500.–, EUR 1000.–

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