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Reprint of the «Ascona Bau-Buch» (2001)

Reprint of one of the most important books of the 1930ies on the architecture of Ascona (Ticino, Switzerland) and its environments. Design and typography by Max Bill, edited by Eduard Keller. Issued with an illustrated commentary by Bruno Maurer, collaborator at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture at the ETH Zurich, and Christoph Bignens, art historian and specialist on the work of Max Bill. Order »»»

Reprint of one of the most important architectural books published in the early nineteen thirties about the «Neues Bauen» in Ascona (Switzerland) and the Ascona area. Design and typography by Max Bill. With an illustrated supplement by Bruno Maurer, collaborator at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture at the Departement of Architecture of the ETH Zurich. The exhibition on the architect and artist Carlo Weidemeyer - who is presented in the «Ascona Bau-Buch» - will be shown in Ascona, Venice and Bremen.

Ristampa di uno dei libri d’archittura più importanti dei primi anni trenta sul «Neues Bauen» ad Ascona e dintorni. Progetto grafico di Max Bill. Con supplemento illustrato di Bruno Maurer, colllaboratore del gta (Istituto di storia e teoria dell’architettura) al Politecnico federale di Zurigo. La mostra su Carlo Weidemeyer, artista e architetto presentato nel volume, si terrà sia ad Ascona sia a Venezia e a Brema.

Das Buch: Broschur, Grösse: 29,5 x 21 cm, Umschlag 2-farbig,156 S., 147 s/w - Abb, 23 Pläne Das Kommentarheft: 76 Seiten, zahlr. s/w - Abbildungen und Pläne Zusammen im Kart.-Schuber Preis: CHF 85.- EUR 57.- ISBN 3-907639-00-6 Auslieferung ab August 2001 im Buchhandel oder direkt beim Verlag:

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