Autor: / Künstler:
Scott, William Robert
The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
[Bde. 1 - 3, komplett; Reprint]
Wirtschaft - allgemeinNeueingänge - Wirtschaft
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Gr.8°, LVI, 488, X, 504 u. XII, 563 S., 1 lose Falttab.
Rücken etw. ausgeblichen, Kapitale min. gebrauchsspurig, jew. Stempel a. Innendeckel, in Bd. 1 ca. 150 S., in Bd. 3 ca. 60 S. m. An- u. Unterstreichungen in Bleistift, selten Farbstift.
Jeweils EA dieses Reprints der Ausgabe 1912. Enth.: Bd. 1: The General Development of the Joint-Stock System to 1720; Bd. 2: Companies for Foreign Trade, Colonization, Fishing and Mining; Bd. 3: Water Supply, Postal, Street-Lighting [...] and Insurance Companies [...]. - «William Robert Scott, FBA (31 August 1868 – 3 April 1940) was a political economist who was Adam Smith Professor of Political Economy at the University of Glasgow from 1915 to 1940» (Wikipedia).