Autor: / Künstler:
Majakowski, Wladimir
Kurskym delniku, kteri vytezili prvni rudu, tento prozatimni pomnik vytvoreny Vladimirem Majakowskym.
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Majakowski, Illustr. Bücher - allgemein, Kunst - ProletarischeNeueingänge - Illustr. Bücher, Bibliophiles
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 48 S., 17 blatgrosse farb. Collagen.
Text tschechisch. Uebersetztung des Majakowskis Gedicht «1923» von Jiri Taufer. Einführung: Vladimir Remes Photomontagen von Yuri Rozhkov. Auflge 1000 Ex.Yuri Rozhkov, a student at the Vkhutemas State High School for Art and Design created the included color photomontages using lines from Mayakovsky's poem and presented them to the artist. They were included in Mayakovsky's 1928 exhibition Twenty Years of Work.Text illustrations include work by Edwin S. Porter, Pablo Picasso, Carlo Carra, F. T. Marinetti, Guillaume Apollinaire, Raul Hausmann, George Grosz, Alexander Rodchenko and El Lissitzky.