Fourteen major international rendering studios present a selection of their work, together with comments on their methodology and use of digital technology, this book traces the history and along the way rehabilitates this occupation as an independent discipline in the broad sphere of architecture.It contains a comprehensive overview of the earliest architectural drawings through to modern, highly technical forms of digital rendering, including tutorials based on the everyday praxis. Vierzehn ausgewählte, internationale Rendering-Studios stellen in ausführlichen Interviews ihre Arbeit vor und berichten umfassend über die modernsten und wichtigsten Computer-Technologien: Simon Jones & Associates, Lee Dunnette, Dennis Allain, Kirk Fromm,, Andy Hickes, LABTOP RENDERING, Rendertaxi, studio amd, Federico Pitzalis, Marco Giovanni De Angelis, ArtefactoryLab, pure, Stack! Studios.