EA. Text engl. - «Millennium Park, Chicago, USAGlass, stainless steel, LED screens, light, wood, black granite and water. 2 towers of 16 metre high upon a water sheet of 70 x 14 metre in a total surface of 2.200 m2. Comissioned by: The Public Art Program, Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Chicago, 2000. What is a fountain? How is it relevant to the people who will see it? Why build it? When deciding upon an artist to tackle these question, there was a desire to the both visionary and to also acknowledge the rich historical context. Spanish sculptor Jaume Plensa (Barcelona 1955) was chosen because his work is principally focused on the human experience of standing in between, so-to-speak, between past and present, present and future, knowledge and ignorance, heaven and hell.»