Autor: / Künstler:
Hilfiger, Tommy u. George Lois
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
A Roller-Coaster Ride Throught the Eye-Popping Panorama of American Pop Culture
Kulturgeschichte, Signierte Bücher, Musik - Rock, Pop, Geschichte - Politik nach 1945, Film
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
OLwd. m. OU
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 335 S., durchgeh. farb. Abb.
Min. gebrauchsspurig, allg. tadellos.
3. Aufl. VOn Tommy Hilfiger auf Vakatblatt signiert. «What is America? It’s Monopoly and Mickey Mouse, but also Sinatra and Fred Astaire. It’s the Declaration of Independence, but it’s also Barbie and Playboy, Winslow Homer and Rudi Gernreich’s topless bathing suit. This juxtaposition of images reflects America’s unique eclecticism, and the unprecedented influence that the images of America’s pop culture have had on the world. This book works as a great treasury of Americana, and as a mischievously enjoyable observation on all things truly American. Fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger and famous adman George Lois have crafted an enlightening book, searching American history to find over 350 people, symbols, and things of import. Their iconic and iconoclastic choices are entertainingly presented through surprising visual juxtapositions. Inspired by Tommy Hilfiger’s passion for Americana and George Lois’ wit, Iconic America dramatizes the national ethos, and makes us think about who we are and what we stand for, with humor and charm.» Dieses Buch befindet sich in unserem Aussenlager; sollten Sie dieses im Laden abholen wollen, bitten wir Sie um vorgängige Nachricht.