Sonneggstr. 29
CH-8006 Zürich
Tel.+41 44 251 36 08

Purchase of books, graphic arts and posters

Basically we like to buy books - whole libraries but also exceptional single works - from the following fields:

Architecture, Bibliophile books, Books, Dada/Surrealism, Erotica, First editions of literature, Illustrated books, Judaica, Children's books, Art, Militaria, Photography, Psychology, Philosophy, Social movements, Dance of death and Typography.

We are also interested in graphic art, paintings, original photographs, posters and blank weapons.

However, a serious evaluation is only possible if you can examine the work. Either you drop by our antiquarian bookshop (by appointment), or - in case of larger quantities or whole libraries - I will be happy to visit you.

We guarantee a valuation in line with the market and discreet handling through our membership in the tradition-steeped Association of Antiquarian Booksellers and Copper Engravers in Switzerland (VEBUKU) and our membership in the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB).


Further services:

- Purchase and clearance of complete home furnishings.

- Appraisals of libraries for insurance and inheritance purposes.

- Auction sale orders


We look forward to your enquiry, please call us:

Mobile: 079-422 81 11

Antiquarian bookshop: 044-251 36 08

Or you can send me an email:

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