Autor: / Künstler:
Hernandez, Anthony
Landscapes for the Homeless
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Kart. m. OU
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Quer-Gr.8°, 87 S., zahlr. farb. Taf.
OU min. gebrauchsspurig, tadellos.
EA. Erschienen zur Ausstellung. Text dt./engl. «Anthony Hernandez has become known over the last twenty years as a creator of a unique blend of social commentary, urban documentary, and landscape photography. This is a book of portraits--not of people, but of places: the habitats of the homeless in Los Angeles. Hernandez paints a vivid picture of American social irresponsibility in the volatile setting of an urban wasteland.»