Autor: / Künstler:
Ehrismann, Walter - Pansy Maurer-Alvarez
Fünfzehn Zeichnungen. Fünfzehn Liebeesgedichte. Lovers Eternally Nearing
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Illustr. Bücher - allgemein, Literatur Engl., Signierte Bücher
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Lose Bl. in schuber
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 15 gefalzte Bl., 15 Abb..
50 Exemplare, dieses e.a. Von der Dichterin und dem Künstler im Impressum signiert.- Pansy Maurer-Alvarez, American by birthand Swiss by marriage, has lived in Europe since 1973. She did her literarystudies at universities in the US, Spain and Switzerland. She is a ContributingEditor for the British magazine Tears in the Fence. Her collectionsare: Dolores: The Alpine Years (1996) and When the Body SaysIt's Leaving (2004; both Hanging Loose Press); and a collaborationwith the Swiss artist Walter Ehrismann, Lovers Eternally Nearing(Editions Thomas Howeg, 1997), with German translations by Rudolf Bähler.She currently lives in Paris.- Walter Ehrismann (1943-2013), Lehrer, Maler, Schriftsteller, Rollstuhlfahrer.