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Autor: / Künstler:
Adolfs, Gerard Pieter - Eveline Borntraeger-Stoll u. Gianni Orsini; Frans Jansen (Hg.)
Gerard Pieter Adolfs, 1898 - 1968
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
The Painter of Java and Bali
Kunst - Monographien, Kunst - 20 Jht., Reisen - Australien, Neuseeland, Ozeanien
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Pictures Publishers, the Netherlands
o. O.
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 420 S., zahlr., oft farb. Abb. (tlw. a. Falttaf.)
EA. Mit Widmung von Eveline Borntraeger-Stoll auf Titelblatt. - «Gerard Pieter Adolfs (born 2 January 1897 in Semarang, Central-Java; died 1 February 1968 in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands) was a Dutch East Indies painter and architect. In the 1930s – at the height of his artistic career – the press called G.P. Adolfs the “Wizard of Light”. Adolfs spent his youth in Java and received at home his first artistic inspirations. His father, Gerardus Cornelis Adolfs, was an architect and a versatile amateur (painter, photographer, piano and violin player as well as a pole vaulter). Adolfs studied architecture in Amsterdam. After graduating, he was drawn back to Java, where he designed houses in Yogyakarta, Surakarta and Surabaya. But soon he swapped the drawing pen for the dry-point, pencil and brush and from then on dedicated his whole life to painting. He was already well known as a talented advertising illustrator, when in 1924 he was first introduced to the public of Yogyakarta as a painter, water-colourist and graphic artist. Each year Adolfs travelled for a few months. He had studios in Florence, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Prag and - together with his Japanese friend Léonard Tsuguharu Fujita - in Paris and exhibited his works of art internationally (Netherlands Indies, Japan, Singapore, United States, England, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, France, Switzerland…). The main subjects of his work were scenes of Java, Bali, Japan and of North Africa (market sceneries, cock-fights, landscapes and townscapes). In 1940 – shortly before the occupation of the Netherlands – Adolfs came back to Europe and settled in Amsterdam. On 22 February 1944, during an exhibition at the Kunstzaal Pollmann, the largest part of Adolfs’ paintings was destroyed by the bombardment of Nijmegen. Adolfs kept on working. He wrote and illustrated a book about his memories of Surabaya and exhibited in many well-known galleries. He lived mostly in Amsterdam - interrupted by longer stays in Scandinavia, France, Spain, Italy and North Africa. In 1967 he retired to a small village in South-Holland. On 1 February 1968, G.P. Adolfs died in ’s-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant» (Wikipedia).
Preis € 176,00 CHF 165,00

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