Autor: / Künstler:
Bushell, Raymond
The Inro Handbook - Studies of Netsuke, Inro and Lacquer
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Kunstgewerbe - allgemein, Japan
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
OLwd. m. OU.
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Kl.4°, 263 S., ca. 400 meist farb Abb.
Min. gebrauchspurig, Rücken min. beschienen, tadellos
Second printing of the 1979 classic work by Raymond Bushell. For collectors who have discovered the delights of such miniature Japanese art forms as the inro and the netsuke, this authoritative and enlightening book offers a wealth of valuable information. That it also affords entry to a world of fascinating design and superb craftsmanship goes without saying. In addition to illustrating 108 distinguished inro and their accompanying netsuke, as well as 18 related miniature objects, it presents highly informative essays onthe making of inro, on pearl-shell inlays, and, in particular, on the materials and techniques of lacquer art, the last of these with 62 color photos. It also furnishes an extensive list of lacquer artisits' signatures with 386 photos.