Autor: / Künstler:
Gossett, Christian
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
[Bde. 1 u. 2; zus. 2 Bde.]
Illustr. Bücher - Comics
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 166 u. 216 S., durchgeh. farb. Abb.
Jeweils dt. EA. Enth.: Bd. 1: Die Schlacht vor Kar Dathras Tor; Bd. 2: Nokgorka.- The Red Star is a comic book series by American artist Christian Gossett. Published by Image Comics, it is set in a sci-fi/fantasy world described by Gossett as "Mythic [Soviet] Russia". The "Lands of The Red Star" were inspired by both Russian folklore and military history. The series is thus heavily reminiscent of a post-World War II Soviet Russia mixing technology and sorcery.