Autor: / Künstler:
Chermayeff, Ivan
Blind mice and other numbers
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Designed and illustrated by Ivan Chermayeff
Kunst - Grafikdesign, Illustr. Bücher - allgemein
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 40 S., durchgeh. farb. Abb.
Einband unfrisch u. tlw. etw. fleckig, Rücken min. beschienen, Kapitale u. Kanten etw. berieben, auf Vs. u. Titelbl. als «Review Copy» gestempelt (a. Vs. m. abgelöstem Schild; Vs. daher leimfleckig), Papier min. gebräunt, innen sonst tadellos.
EA. - «Ivan Chermayeff, who has died aged 85 [in 2017], was one of the most admired graphic designers of a generation that redefined the profession. His 60-year professional life, from which he never retired, was shared with a fellow student from Yale, Tom Geismar, and a succession of other partneirs, the first having been Robert Brownjohn and the most recent Sagi Haviv. The work of their firm - currently known as Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv – included many famous corporate logos, of which that of Mobil is probably the best known, but it ranged widely over 3D objects, such as the giant red figure 9 on the pavement in West 57th Street, New York (1974), signage, museum displays and campaigns for the environment and politics» (The Guardian).