Faksimile - Fabulae. Las fábulas latinas de Esopo. Libro de estudios.
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, Ms 1213 B.V.B (Faksimile- und Kommentarband, 2 Bde.)
Handschriften - Faksimile, Buchwesen - Kalligraphie, Geschichte - Mittelalter
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Faksimile.: OLdr. geprägt; Kommentarbd.: OLwd.
Ars Magna Editorial
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Faksimilebd. (33 x 24 cm): 280 Bl.; Kommentarbd.: 376 S., zahlr. Abb.
Min. berieben sonst tadell.
Commentary by Pedro Badenas, Rita de Tata, Josefina Planas, Text: engl. /spanish.Aesop's Fables translated in latin by Gualterius Anglicus. Gualterus Anglicus (Medieval Latin for Walter the Englishman) was an Anglo-Norman poet and scribe who produced a seminal version of Aesop's Fables (in distichs) around the year 1175. With its 146 intensely colored miniatures arranged in frames, this fourteenth-century manuscript is a splendid Gothic edition of Aesop's fables. The Latin text in Gothic script, adorned with decorated initials and borders, tells about animals speaking and behaving like humans.