Autor: / Künstler:
Libeskind, Daniel
Line of fire. A three-part monograph on Daniel Libeskind’s Three Lessons in Architecture at the Venice Biennale 1985.
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
1: Architecture (Energia.Bjectsubj. Spirit. Werwil; 2. Works (Reading machine. Memory machine. Writing machine; 3. Nouvells Impressions d’architecture (3 Bde., compl.)
Architektur - ArchitektInnen
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Broschur in Schuber
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, ca 100 Bl. einige farb. Abb.
Kleiner Besitzerstempel a. Vors., tadell.
First edition. - Line of Fire, Center for Contemporary Art, Geneva, Switzerland, 1988Exhibition installation in Geneva in 1988. Architecture on the line (line that defines limits between things beyond which one refuses to go), architecture toward the line (equalizer of day and night – reaching to make equal), architecture under the line (for just perceptible below the red light and submerged in white light is an inscription of architecture that does not consume or demolish), architecture 1,244 degrees (many directions with a single angle, endless row directed to the spaced inclination between the angles). Text: engl./franz. [Libeskind oszilliert hier zwischen Poesie, Kunst u. Architektur.]