Autor: / Künstler:
Willis, Robert - Nikolaus Pevsner
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Architektur - ArchitektInnen, Signierte Bücher
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
8°, 27 S. u. 8 Taf.
Handschriftl. Rückentitel, Umschlag etw. unsauber, einige Druckstellen, einige Anstreichungen in Bleistift; gutes Ex.
EA. (= Smith College Studies in History, Bd. 46). Mit Widmung von N. Pevsner («from Nikolaus Pevsner») auf erstem Vakatblatt. - «The Reverend Robert Willis (27 February 1800 – 28 February 1875) was an English academic. He was the first Cambridge professor to win widespread recognition as a mechanical engineer, and first set the scientific study of vowels on a respectable foundation, but is now best remembered for his extensive architectural writings, including a 4-volume treatise on the architecture of the University of Cambridge.»