Autor: / Künstler:
Bolles-Wilson, Julia u. Peter Wilson
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
A handful of productive paradigms. Recent work
Architektur - ArchitektInnen
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
OLwd. m. OBauchbinde.
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Quer-Gr.8°, 295 S., zahlr., tlw. farb. Abb.
OBauchbinde min. gebrauchsspurig, Buch tadell.
EA. Text engl. - This is a new self-published monograph from the German/Australian practice, established in London in 1980 and based in Münster, Germany, since 1988.Architectural monographs tend to fall into two categories. The first follows a tried and tested formula - a high-profile critic pens a sympathetic essay, followed by a chronology of well-documented, beautifully photographed projects, organized according to chronology, location, type or other conventional system. The second attempts to conceptually reframe the format of the book to critically examine and represent the specific interests of a particular practice…