Autor: / Künstler:
Association for Planning and Regional Reconstruction (Hg.)
Maps for the national plan
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
A background to: The Barlow report; The Scott report; The Beveridge report
Geschichte - 1900 - 45
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Lund Humphries & Co
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
2°, 119 S. m. zahlr. Karten u. 2 Folien in hinterer Vorsatztasche (compl.).
Deckel gebräunt, berieben u. bestossen; min. gebrauchsspurig, sonst gutes Exemplar.
Text engl. Inhalt: The Barlow report: Fog and sunshine; Chief urban areas; Local government boundaries; Density of population 1931; Changes in population; Extractive industry etc. The Scott report: Types of farming; Land of good quality; Hills and valleys; Woods and poor farming land etc.; The Beveridge report: The cost of living 1937-1938; Low paid employment 1931; Three periods of Unemployment etc. Die Folien zeigen: Chief urban areas u. Distribution of population 1938.