Autor: / Künstler:
Maderno, Carlo - Howard Hibbard
Carlo Maderno and Roman Architecture 1580 - 1630
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Architektur - ArchitektInnen
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
OLwd. m. OU
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, XVI, 404 S. u. 265 Abb. u. Pläne a. Taf.
OU tlw. randrissig u. -knittrig, Buch min. gebauchsspurig; gutes Ex.
EA. - «Carlo Maderno (Maderna) (1556 – 30 January 1629) was an Italian architect, born in today's Ticino, who is remembered as one of the fathers of Baroque architecture. His façades of Santa Susanna, St. Peter's Basilica and Sant'Andrea della Valle were of key importance in the evolution of the Italian Baroque» (Wikipedia).