Autor: / Künstler:
Dante Alighieri - John Flaxman (Ill.)
La Divina Comedia di Dante Alighieri
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Cioè l’Inferno, il Purgatorio, ed il Paradiso. Composto da Giovanni Flaxman Scultore Inglese ed inciso da Tommaso Piroli Rom[a]. [Nur der komplette Teil Inferno]
Illustr. Bücher - Originalgrafik
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Lose Taf.
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Quer-8°, gestochene Titeltaf. u. 38 gest. Taf. (nummeriert 1 - 38) (Plattengrösse 13 x 17 cm)
Etw. wellig, tlw. gebräunt bzw. angestaubt, oft etw. stockfl. (meist an den Stegen); allg. gutes Ex.
«John Flaxman R. A. (6 July 1755 – 7 December 1826) was a British sculptor and draughtsman, and a leading figure in British and European Neoclassicism. [...] While in Rome he produced the first of the book illustrations for which he was to become famous, and which promoted his influence all over Europe, leading Goethe to describe him as "the idol of all dilettanti"».