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Autor: / Künstler:
Hreinsson, Vidar u. a. (Hg.)
The complete sagas of Icelanders (5 Bde., compl.)
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
Including 49 tales
Literatur Engl.
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
OKunstldr. m. goldgepr. Deckel u. Rücken, in OKunstldr.-Schmuckschuber.
Leifur Eiriksson
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
Gr.8°, ca. 2000 S., einzelne Textabb.
Schuber min. kratzspurig, sonst tadell.
Text engl. (= Viking Age Classics). Bd. I: Vinland; Warriors and Poets; Bd. II: Outlaws; Warriors and Poets; Bd. III: Epic; Champions and Rogues; Bd. IV: Regional Fluids; Bd. V: Epic: Wealth and Power. «The first English translation of the entire corpus of the Sagas of Icelanders together with forty-nine Tales. Fifty translators and scholars from seven countries participated in this project. The Complete Sagas of Icelanders include extensive reference material: A comprehensive Introduction by Professor Robert Kellogg, Maps, Glossary, A Note on Poetic Imagery, Cross-Reference Index of Characters, Illustrations and Diagrams, and Tables.» «The Sagas of Icelanders are set in the Viking Age but written in Icelandic by anonymous authors during the 13th and 14th centuries. Their action spans the whole world known to the Vikings, but the stories centre on the unique settler society they founded in Iceland. Deeply rooted in the real world of their day, concise and straightforward in style, the Sagas explore perennial human problems: love and hate, fate and freedom. While steeped in Viking Age oral tradition, the Sagas depict the descendants of the settlers in Iceland, immediately before and after the year 1000, when they abandoned the ancient gods such as Odin and Thor and adopted Christianity. In this period, too, Icelanders ventured farther westwards; the culmination of this venture was Leif Eiriksson’s voyage to North America. The horizons of the Saga writers extended to the limits of the Viking world: westward to Greenland and Vinland, east to Russia and north to Lapland, south and east to Constantinople and Jerusalem.»
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