Text engl. Here for the first time a complete presentation and comprehensive appraisal of the work of Harald Szeemann, who, seen internationally, is without doubt the most creative of today's exhibition makers. Numerous documents, notes, sketches, photos, commentaries, reactions, explanations and recollections convey an extremely lively picture of how Szeemann's ideas and concepts are put into practice, his philosophy and understanding of art: with by through because towards despite. The diverse and informative material reflects the development of art in the second half of the 20th century. An indispensable working tool and reference work covering the history of art of the last 45 years. A detailed bibliography completes the work. Harald Szeemann. 1933-2005. 1961-1969 director of the Kunsthalle Berne. 1972 director of the ""documenta 5"". Since 1998 director for Visual Arts, Biennale de Venezia. Curated since 1957 over 200 exhibitions, among others: When Attitudes Become Form (1969), Bachelor Machines (1975), Monte Veritá - Mountain of Truth (1978), In Search of Total Art Work (1983), Cy Twombly (1987), Josef Beuys (1993/94), Bruce Nauman (1995). Chinesische Übersetzung beigelegt in hinterer Vorsatzlasche.