Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
2 Orig.-Holzschnitte, koloriert
Links unten betitelt, rechts unten signiert, im zusätzlich im Stock monogrammiert. - Marti Castells Marti (1915-1995): A twentieth century sculptor, wood carver and woodcut artist Marti Castells Marti was born into a family of noted artists. Both his father, Marti Castells Marti, Senior (1873-1937) and his brother, Josep Castells Marti, (1913-2002), were sculptors and carvers. From 1940 Marti Castellls Marti was a frequent exhibitor at Spanish expositions and international exhibitions. In 1950, in fact, Castells Marti was commissioned by Pope Pius XII to create his unique wood carvings.