Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
2G Revista internacional de arquitectura, N°29/30
English / Spanish - Intrductions: Stanilaus von Moos, Hans Frei, Karin Gimmi, Arthur Rüegg.- Despite being known the world over as an artist Max Bill always considered himself to be an architect. His visual work and his educational labours in charge of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm have been widely studied and publicised, yet his facet as an architect has scarcely received attention.This publication brings together his complete architectural work for the first time, work ranging from his early projects as a Bauhaus student, taking in his first house in Zurich-Höngg and his many designs for exhibitions, to such mature works as the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Expo 64 in Lausanne or his own house in Zumikon, many of these unpublished for decades. The information is rounded off with the pavilion-sculptures Max Bill dedicated himself to for twenty years and which stand midway between sculpture and architecture.The number is introduced by critical texts from such important connoisseurs of his oeuvre as Stanislaus von Moos, Hans Frei, Karin Gimmi, Arthur Rüegg and Jakob Bill, Max Bill s son, along with unpublished archive material, extensive photo-reports commissioned for the occasion from the Swiss photographer Georg Aerni, and a selection of the author s most important theoretical writings.