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Autor: / Künstler:
Dieste, Eladio - Magdalena Torres Hidalgo u. a. (Hg.)
Eladio Dieste
Untertitel / Graf. Technik:
1943 - 1996. [Und:] Métodos de calculo. Calculation Methods. [2 Bde.]
Architektur - ArchitektInnen
Bindung / Bildgrösse:
Kart. m. OU; brosch.
Consejeria de Obras Publicas y Transportes, Dirrecion General de Arquitectura y Vivienda
Sevilla / Montevideo
Buchdaten / Blattgrösse:
4°, 306 S. m. zahlr., tlw. farb. Abb.; 139 S. m. zahlr. Diagr.
OU etw. unfrisch, Kapitale bestossen, innen tadellos.
Jeweils 3. Aufl. Erschienen zur Ausstellung Montevideo und Sevilla. Texte span./engl. - «Eladio Dieste (December 01, 1917 - July 29, 2000) was a Uruguayan engineer and architect who made his reputation by building a range of structures from grain silos, factory sheds, markets and churches, most of them in Uruguay and all of exceptional elegance. Dieste was born in Artigas department. His uncle was the Spanish poet Rafael Dieste. A particular innovation was his Gaussian vault, a thin-shell structure for roofs in single-thickness brick, that derives its stiffness and strength from a double curvature catenary arch form that resists buckling failure. There were several architects and engineers in South and Latin America who were working in the modernist language, such as Guillermo Gonzalez Zuleta in Colombia, Carlos Raúl Villanueva in Venezuela and Félix Candela in Mexico, who brought architecture and structural engineering into close proximity, especially when undertaking humble commissions. His buildings were mostly roofed with thin shell vaults constructed of brick and ceramic tiles. These forms were cheaper than reinforced concrete, and didn't require ribs and beams. In developing this approach, even in comparison with modernists the world over, he was an innovator» (Wikipedia).
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