The book contains many previously unpublished essays on the theory and history of twentieth-century art and architecture, written as a tribute to Bruno Reichlin, architect and professor at various universities, well known for having developed an innovative approach to the analysis of the work of architecture, based on the development of critical instruments derived from the criticism of the literary text and art, and for his battles to preserve the architectural heritage of the twentieth century. The collection is structured in five sections devoted to the theory of art and architecture; changes in construction processes resulting from the introduction of new materials, techniques and technologies; analysis of one or more architectural works; methodological issues and practices bound up with the restoration of modern buildings.Texts by: Joseph Abram, Fritz Achleitner, Paolo Amaldi, Tim Benton, Christian Bischoff, Martin Boesch, Yve-Alain Bois, François Burkhardt, Mario Carpo, Jean-Pierre Cêtre Giorgio Ciucci, Jean-Louis Cohen, Jürg Conzett, Wessel de Jonge, Yvan Delemontey, Catherine Dumont d’Ayot, Kenneth Frampton, Hartmut Frank, Aurelio Galfetti, Roberto Gargiani, Franz Graf, Philippe Grandvoinnet, Giuliano Gresleri, Roberta Grignolo, Alberto Grimoldi, Thomas Hasler, Ulrike Jelhe-Schulte Strathaus, Jacques Lucan, Guillemette Morel Journel, Nicola Navone, Werner Oechslin, Carlo Olmo, Luca Ortelli, Danièle Pauly, Carlo Piccardi, Marko Pogacnik, Sergio Poretti, Arthur Rüegg, Martin Steinmann, Adolph Stiller, Christian Sumi, Letizia Tedeschi, Ana Tostões, Ruggero Tropeano, Ivo Trümpy, France Vanlaethem, Annalisa Viati Navone, Daniele Vitale.Text: deutsch, ital. franz.