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Product details

Author / Artist:
Beltracchi, Wolfgang
Beltracchi - Time Link
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Exhibition Catalogue for "Kairos – The Right Moment".
Kunst - Monographien, Signierte Bücher
Binding / Picture Size:
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
4°, 96 S., unzählige Abb.
Buchblock min. verzogen, sonst tadell.
Mit Widmung des Künstlerfälschers a. Vors. - The conversations that set the exhibition in motion began around the turn of the year 2015–2016. Initial talk was of a combined photography-and-painting exhibition, a commercial idea by Munich entrepreneur Christian Zott which eventually gave rise to this exhibition series. Our knowledge of European art and culture and my experience as a painter allowed us to go beyond Mauro Fiorese’s original photo series "Treasure Rooms", which was limited to Italian museums only, and expand our horizon to encompass the great museums of Europe. I would connect the dots between my “unpainted paintings” and various artists exhibited in these museums. This in turn would reveal the links between my paintings and Mauro’s photographs. What matters to me most about our project is the human side. Who were these people the paintings tell us about? What was their significance? How were the events taking place around them significant? What influence did these people or certain developments during their lifetimes have, and how do we feel their influence in society today? The spiritual and artistic development of our continent has fused us, across national borders, into a multiethnic unit, and the present moment is calling on us to show our unity.
Price € 128.00 CHF 120.00

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