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CH-8006 Zürich
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Actual Category : Sammeln - Ansichtskarten

16 Articles found
CHF 28.00
CHF 12.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 24.00

Privates Album mit 145 teilweise gelaufenen Postkarten (teilw. Fotopostkarten) aus dem 1. Weltkrieg
CHF 770.00

Carte Postale
CHF 39.00

Carte Postale
CHF 39.00
CHF 50.00
CHF 50.00
CHF 39.00

Bodmer-Jenny, Margrit - Rudolf Gallati (Text) 
Die region Interlaken auf alten Ansichtskarten um die Jahrhundertwende. The region of Interlaken as depicted on old Picture-Postcards dating from the tunr of the century.
CHF 60.00

Horber, Rene 
Vues de villes et villages suisses aux environs 1900. [...] Vedute di citta e di villaggi svizzeri attorno 1900. [...] Views of Cities and Villages of Switzerland Around 1900. [...]
CHF 94.00

Schlatter, Beat 
CHF 30.00
CHF 94.00
CHF 264.00
CHF 40.00

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