Author / Artist:
Guthrie, G. J. [George James]
Ueber [Über] Schusswunden an den Extremitäten und die dadurch bedingten verschiedenen Operationen der Amputation nebst deren Nachbehandlung
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Aus dem Englischen und mit Anmerkungen von G. Spangenberg
Medizin - SchulmedizinNeueingänge - Medizin
Binding / Picture Size:
E. H. G. Christiani
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
8°, XXIV, 399 S., 4 gestochene Falttaf.
Rückenkanten durchgerieben, kl. Einbandverlust am Kopf, Bibliotheksschild am Fuss, Fuss m. Klebbd. geklebt, Stempel u. Name a. Titelbl., Titelbl. u. folgende Bl. in oberer Ecke wasserfleckig, vereinzelte Anstreichungen u. Marginalien in (meist schwachem) Rotstift, einige Bl. eselsohrig, im Satzspiegel etw. gebräunt, Taf. min. stockfl.
Dt. EA. Selten. - «George James Guthrie (1 May 1785 – 1 May 1856) was an English surgeon, born in London of Scottish parents. He was admitted to membership in the Royal College of Surgeons in 1801. As army surgeon, he served in the Peninsular campaign, and his work there won the praise of the Duke of Wellington. In 1816 he began a series of lectures in surgery to the officers of the army and navy, which he continued for nearly 30 years. In 1824 he became a member of the council of the Royal College of Surgeons, of which he was three times president, and also professor in 1818–1831» (Wikipedia).