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Actual Category : Schiffahrt

207 Articles found
CHF 39.00

Kunz, Charlotte, Mario Gavazzi u. Heinz Amstad 
CHF 33.00
CHF 44.00
CHF 60.00

Leach, Nicholas 
The History and Development of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution's Motor Lifeboats.
CHF 105.00

Levi, Cesare Augusto - G. Culluris (Ill.) 
Da codici marmi e dipinti
CHF 72.00

Liechti, Erich 
...eine Legende
CHF 39.00

Liechti, Erich, Jürg Meister, Josef Gwerder 
CHF 60.00

Liechti, Erich, Jürg Meister, Josef Gwerder 
Neuenburgersee - Murtensee - Bielersee - Aare
CHF 72.00
CHF 39.00
CHF 83.00

Lubbock, Basil 
CHF 40.00
CHF 55.00

Lubbock, Basil 
CHF 45.00

Lubbock, Basil 
CHF 45.00

Lubbock, Basil 
American deep-water sailing ships. 1869-1929
CHF 40.00

Lubbock, Basil 
Vol. I und Vol. II (2 Bde., compl.)
CHF 80.00

Lyon, Davd John [Compiled by] 
CHF 60.00
CHF 40.00
CHF 33.00

Matthews, Frederick C. 
CHF 286.00

Maurer, J[osef] 
Heitere und ernste Episoden. (Reprint)
CHF 39.00
CHF 33.00

McGregor, David 
A comparison of their design, construction and performance in the 1850s
CHF 121.00
CHF 70.00

Meile, W 
Vortrag, gehalten in Winterthur am 30. Oktober 1913 vor der Kaufmännischen Gesellschaft
CHF 30.00
CHF 50.00
CHF 72.00
CHF 39.00

Metzweiler, Heinz, Rolf M. Vogt 
CHF 50.00

Middendorf, F. L. 
CHF 105.00

Middleton, Christopher, William Moor u. Francis Smith - William Barr u. Glyndwr Williams (Hg.) 
(2 Bde., compl.)
CHF 72.00

Mielke, Otto, Hans Boetticher, Fritz-Otto Busch 
Nr. 25-36 (insg. 11 Hefte in einem Bd.)
CHF 83.00

Mjelde, Michael Jay 
CHF 40.00

Morrison John, S und F Coates John 
Geschichte und Rekonstruktion eines Kriegsschiffs der griechischen Antike.
CHF 55.00
CHF 60.00
CHF 40.00
CHF 30.00

Mueller, Manfred H. 
CHF 30.00

Mueller, Manfred H. 
Plans, Drawings, Picturees, Books, Original Models, Accessories, etc.
CHF 50.00

Mueller, Manfred H. 
Plans, Drawings, Picturees, Books, Original Models, Accessories, etc.
CHF 50.00
CHF 60.00

CHF 39.00

Niemz, Günter und Reiner Wachs 
Mit Rissen von Heinz Ferchland und Reiner Wachs.
CHF 25.00

Nijhof, P. und Ger Dekkers 
CHF 44.00
CHF 33.00
CHF 33.00
CHF 39.00

Page, Charlotte A. u. Alvin R 
Being the journal from 1 May to 3 October 1852 kept by Charlotte A. Page, also excerpts from journal and letters written 20 September 1856 to 30 January 1857 by Alvin R. Page
CHF 44.00

Pâris, E. - Henriot Ernest / Langendorf, Luise (Hg.) 
CHF 50.00

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