Deckel berieben, Exlibris a. Vors.; Innen wenige leichte Anstreichungen in Blei, sonst gutes Exemplar
EA. Isaac Taylor (1787 – 1865), English philosophical and historical writer, artist, and inventor. His best-known work, «The Natural History of Enthusiasm» (London; Boston, 1830; 10th edit. London, 1845), appeared anonymously in May 1829. It was a sort of historico-philosophical disquisition on religious imagination, and had an instant vogue. Taylor developed the subject in his «Fanaticism» (London, 1833; 7th edit. 1866) and «Spiritual Despotism» (London, 1835, three editions). Three further volumes on scepticism, credulity, and the corruption of morals were included in the author's plan of a «morbid anatomy of spurious religion», but these complementary volumes were never completed.