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Product details

Author / Artist:
Lucas, Cristina
Cristina Lucas. On Air.
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Kunst - Monographien
Binding / Picture Size:
Caja de Burgo
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
ca 200010
Book Details / Size:
Quer-Gr.8°, 46 S., zahlr. farb. Abb.
Widmung der Künstlerin a. Titelblatt und Kommentar zu einer Perfomance. Ausstellung im Centro de arte Burgos. - home artists exhibitions current upcoming 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 wild walls news publications editions about contact bloemgracht 57 1016 ke amsterdam opening hours: wed – sat, 13 – 18 h biography The work of Cristina Lucas attests to great social commitment. Her installations, video works, performances, drawings and photographs are often straightforwardly critical, but also serious, playful and humorous. Lucas seduces her audience with beautiful, theatrical images; yet she isn’t afraid to hold up a less inviting mirror to that audience. In her hands social, political, historical and cultural clichés are dismantled and defused in a refined as well as inevitable manner. A range of themes that deal, for instance, with the role of women, religion, the patriarchal system in society or the global supremacy of the West play an important role. And man’s ambition to dominate nature is likewise a subject that recurs frequently. Cristina Lucas (1973, Jaén, Spain) lives and works in Madrid. Lucas holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid (1998). She completed a Master’s degree at the Irvine University of California and furthered her studies at the International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York (2003) and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (2006-2007). Cristina Lucas is a multidisciplinary artist, working with photography, video, drawings, sculpture and installations, in which she reflects upon the structures of power. Her work was shown in numerous international group and solo exhibitions at a.o. New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (2022, RU); DROOG, Amsterdam (2021, NL); CCE Santiago – Cultural Centre of Spain, Santiago de Chile (2021, CL); Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Chemnitz (2021, DE); Albarrán Bourdais, Madrid (2020, ES); Artica Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen (2019, NO)…
Price € 112.00 CHF 105.00

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