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Product details

Author / Artist:
Gehring, Ulrike u. Peter Weibel (Hg.)
Mapping Spaces
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Networks of Knowledge in 17th Century Landscape Paintings
Kunst - Kunstgeschichte bis 1900
Binding / Picture Size:
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
4°, 504 S., zahlr., meist farb. Abb
Min. gebrauchsspurig, tadellos.
EA. (= A ZKM Book). - «Seventeenth-century Europe saw a fruitful creative exchange between the arts and contemporaneous scientific thought. Mapping Spaces traces the multifaceted dimensions of this exchange with contributions from more than forty leading scholars who, together, reflect on the influence of science and technology on the arts through the specific study of the process of mapping in Dutch landscape paintings of the mid-seventeenth century. The dialogue between the arts and sciences, the contributors find, extends back well beyond the new media and digital satellite imagery of modern times. Many Dutch painters of the period are believed to have employed systems of remote sensing for their paintings. For his well-known historical battle scenes, for instance, Pieter Snayers would have required an understanding of both ballistics and geography. Bringing these and many other insights together with more than 350 large-format illustrations, Mapping Spaces presents readers with past exchanges of knowledge that surprisingly anticipate the techniques of mapping used today.» Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technik stehen nicht erst seit der Moderne in einem intellektuellen Austausch. Lange bevor die Neuen Medien digitale Satellitenbilder einsetzen, bedienen sich niederländische Künstler im 17. Jahrhundert moderner Fernerkundungssysteme. In den Kriegspanoramen Pieter Snayers manifestieren sich technische, ballistische, fortifikatorische und geografische Kenntnisse der frühen Neuzeit. So wird erstmals etwa die Bedeutung militärkartografischer Quellen bei der Entstehung der Landschaftsmalerei ausgewertet. Die reich bebilderte Publikation stellt Medien der Wissensvermittlung vor, welche die heutigen Techniken des Mappings vorwegnehmen.
Price € 176.00 CHF 165.00

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