Three Victorian Games & Pastimes
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Schach, Spiele, Geschichte - 19 Jht.Neueingänge - Geschichte / Kulturgeschichte
Binding / Picture Size:
5 Teile in kart. Schachtel (3 Spiele, 2 Anleitungen)
The Antique Dealers & Collectors Guide
Place of publishing:
o. O.
Year of publication:
o. J. (ca. 1970)
Book Details / Size:
Kl.8° bzw. 8°
Schachtel läd., Kanten tlw. geplatzt (geklebt), Inhalt min. gebrauchsspurig.
Enth.: «The history and adventures of Little Henry, exemplified in a series of figures» (1810, 20 S., geh., 8 lose Taf.); «New Game of the history of England, with a short account of the principal events which have occurred from William The Conqueror to the accession of George The Third» (1808, 47 S., geh., 1 farb. Falttaf.); «Peter Parley‘s Victoria Game of british sovereigns» (o. J., 1 farb. Falttaf. in Kart.)