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Product details

Author / Artist:
Rouveyre, André
Kopf - Originalholzschnitt
Subtitles / Reproduction:
aus Genius. Zeitschrift für werdende und alte Kunst. Hrsg. von Carl Georg Heise und Hans Mardersteig. Zweites Jahr.
Illustr. Bücher - Originalgrafik
Binding / Picture Size:
Loses Blatt
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
35 x 25 cm
Am Rande etwas wasserändig u etwas wellig, die Schnitte tadellos
Im Stock monogramiert. - André Rouveyre (1879 –1962) was an early twentieth-century French writer, caricaturist, and graphic artist. A member of several culturally elite circles of his day, he is perhaps equally remembered as the subject of drawings by prominent European artists Henri Matisse and Amedeo Modigliani. Having met Matisse in Gustave Moreau's atelier in 1896, the two would continue a lifelong friendship that included hundreds of letters of published correspondence as well as collaboration on such works as "Repli" (1947) and "Apollinaire" (1953). Rouveyre's own drawings show a mixture of early Minimalism (reminiscent of Matisse) with Expressionism. The caricatural nature of his work is aptly described by Aldous Huxley in the novel Crome Yellow when a character encounters his own unflattering portrait: "A mute, inglorious Rouveyre appeared in every one of those cruelly clear lines." [Unter Passepartout hübsches expressives Grafikblatt]
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