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Product details

Author / Artist:
Spencer, Herbert (Hg.)
Typographica 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (insgesamt 8 Hefte, «New Series»)
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Buchwesen - Buchdruck, Typo
Binding / Picture Size:
Lund Humphries
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
4°, je ca. 70 S., zahlr. Abb.
Rücken mit kleinen Fehlstellen, min gebrauchspurig, innen sauber
Heft 3: Typophoto; The books of Diter Rot; National Zeitung; The drawings of Alcopley; From painting to photography: experiments of the 1920s; Heft 4: Mile-a-minute typography?; Road signs in Holland; Street level (by Robert Brownjohn; The Civic Trust and lettering: a visit to Epping; Heft 5: Reading by machine; Penguins on the march; DIN–a new, old cause; A case for auto-letterpress; Heft 6: Reading by touch; Pat McAuliffe of Listowel; Lettering in Coventry Cathedral; Typewriter type faces; Watching words move (a booklet insert by Brownjohn, Chermayeff and Giesmar); Heft 7: Piet Zwart; Design underfoot; Thematic photography (booklet insert); Education and the child; This is my private world; Heft 8: Josua Reichert: typography as visual poetry; Chance; Art and writing; A rich man's guide to bingo; Paul Schuitema; Concrete poetry and Ian Hamilton Finlay; Heft 9: Avant garde graphics in Poland between the two worlds wars; Henryk Berlewi and Mechano-faktura; Sunday photography; Crowns; Heft 10: Newspaper seals; The compass rose; The emergence of the printer's stock block; Sex and typography (by Robert Brownjohn. - Typographica was edited by Herbert Spencer from 1949 to 1967. Spencer was just 25 years old when the first Typographica was issued. Typographica was produced in two series: the "Old Series" and the "New Series". Each series was published in sixteen issues.
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