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Product details

Author / Artist:
Sharp, Dennis u. Catherine Cooke (Hg.)
The modern movement in architecture
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Selections from the DOCOMO Registers
Architektur - Allgemein
Binding / Picture Size:
010 Publishers
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
Quer-8°, 280 S., über 600 teilw. farb. Abb.
Min. gebrauchsspurig, sonst tadell.
Text engl. «This book provides a documentary record of the spread of the Modern Movement in architecture throughout many parts of the world. It is based on selective registers prepared by thirty-two national and regional working parties of DOCOMOMO International. It includes over 600 illustrations of buildings from the early 1920s to the present day. It is a unique guide to important modern buildings as well as a reference work which architects, conservationists and scholars of modern architecture will treasure. In his introduction Professor Dennis Sharp, a member of the International Committee of Registers and co-ordinating editor of this publication, claims that the 20th century was characterized by a plethora of Modern Movements in the arts. Architecture, he says, compared with some of the other arts ’kept persistently to its aim of revolutionizing modern life. It did this through an architecture that derived its form language from concepts based on the virtues of sun, light and air and construction systems based on flexibility, repetition and ease of erection.’»
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