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Product details

Author / Artist:
Savall, Jordi
Jérusalem La Ville des deux Paix: La Paix céleste et la Paix terrestre
Subtitles / Reproduction:
Hespèrion XXI - La Capella Reial de Catalunya
Musik - allgemein, Judaica
Binding / Picture Size:
Place of publishing:
Year of publication:
Book Details / Size:
Kl.4, 453 S., zahlr. Abb., 2 CDs.
Texte in franz, spanisch, englisch, katalanisch, deutsch, italienisch,,arabisch, hebräisch. - One of the etymologies tracing the name of the city of Jerusalem translates its Hebrew name as “the city of the two peaces”, in what is a clear metaphorical reference both to “heavenly peace” and “earthly peace”, the former proclaimed and promised by the prophets who lived in or visited the city, and the latter sought by the political leaders who have governed the city throughout its five thousand years of documented existence. Sanctified by the three great monotheistic religions of the Mediterranean, Jerusalem soon became the focus of prayers and longing. Desired by all, she has been the goal, aim and destination of pilgrims of all persuasions who flock to her gates in peace, but also the objective of soldiers and armies in pursuit of war, who have besieged and burned the city, bringing ruin and devastation more than forty times throughout her long history. Jordi Savall and Montserrat Figueras, in the company of Jewish, Christian and Muslim musicians from Israel, Palestine, Greece, Syria, Armenia, Turkey, England, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, as well as their own ensembles Hespèrion XXI and La Capella Reial de Catalunya, portray the chequered fortunes of Jerusalem – a holy city or a city bedevilled – in a frieze of texts and music evoking her protagonists. Jewish, Arab and Christian music from ancient times to the present day highlights Jerusalem as a city that looks forward to the possibility of achieving the two peaces proclaimed in its name.
Price € 41.00 CHF 39.00

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